Samarth Educational Trust's

Sawkar Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital Satara

Approved By NCISM & Govt. Of Maharashtra.
Affilited To MUHS Nashik

Department of Rognidan Evum Vikruti Vigyan

Rognidan Evum Vikruti Vigyan is an essential part of Ayurveda that is useful in early diagnosis of Diseases and techniques of diagnosis. Rognidan contributes to the field of etiological and clinic pathological studies in several Diseases. This subject is meant for postulating principles of Ayurvedic Diagnosis at clinical as well as Laboratory level.

The science of Ayurveda originated with the need to understand and cure diseases and to maintain the health of the human being. This basic Ayurveda tenet is best explained in the Sanskrit Verse -

"Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam aturasya vikara prasamanm cha"

For the completion of this tenet, Hetu (Cause), Linga (symptoms) and Aushadha (Medicine) i.e concept of Trisutra is also mentioned in Ayurveda. Out of these three sutras two are meant for Diagnosis of disease and third one is meant for treatment purpose. That means in Ayurveda,RogaPariksha is not only important rather it is the foremost part for further success result.

In Ayurveda there are five means of diagnosis (Nidana Panchaka) namely Nidana (Cause or etiology), Purvarupa (Prodromal symptoms or premonitory symptoms), Rupa (Specific sign and symptoms or clinical features), Upasaya (Relieving and Aggravating factors), Samprapti (pathogenesis). By knowing the concept of Nidana Panchaka physician can diagnose the disease at an earlier stage and hence forth can plan for the treatment well there by preventing further complications.