Samarth Educational Trust's

Sawkar Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital Satara

Approved By NCISM & Govt. Of Maharashtra.
Affilited To MUHS Nashik

Department of Teaching Pharmacy

We have a well-equipped in-house Pharmacy, with an infrastructure in an area more than 2500 sq. ft.for manufacturing of Ayurvedic medicines; to cater to the needs of Sawkar Hospital for the treatment of patients.All medicines are manufactured stringently under good manufacturing standards.All stages like procurement of the raw material, processes in manufacturing, finished goods, packaging and dispensing are well assessed and documented by experts. All these medicines are provided cost-free to the patients. Our pharmacy stands proudly since its establishment in 2018 to serve patientswith standard medicines.


  • Appropriately built, hygienic and well ventilated Infrastructure in an area more than 2500 sq.ft., with a space to expand in future as required.
  • We have qualified experts and well-equipped and trained employees required for the organized functioning of the pharmacy at all levels.
  • Pharmacy has appropriate water and fuel supply with waste disposal facility. Hebal waste is used as a manure to the plant in the campus.
  • Pharmacy has ample hygienic space for all equipments, storage of raw material, in-process products and finished products.
  • We have all appropriate equipments like pulverizer, wet grinder, hot air oven, khoya machine, Putas, etc. along with other specific equipments required for Rasashastra and Bhaishajya formulations.
  • Pharmacy has an available facility for quality control testing, standardization and analysis of raw material, in-process and finished medicines, and tableting.
  • Our pharmacy manufactures more than 30 efficient medicines following the stringent good manufacturing standards; in the forms like Churnas (powder form), Guti Vati (tablets), Siddha taila (medicated oils), Kashaya(decoctions), Lepa (topical formulation), Suvarna prash for children, Asava-Arishthas (fermented formulations), etc. and many are in pipeline.