Samarth Educational Trust's

Sawkar Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital Satara

Vision and Mission

पाठ अवबोध अनुष्ठानै: अधिगच्छेति अतो ध्रुवम्।

(अष्टांगहृदय उत्तरतंत्र ४०/८२)


To set the excellence in learning methods of fundamentals of Ayurveda explained in Samhita, Darshan Shastra and other classical texts with aim to lead the various research projects in different fields of Ayurveda.


1) To promulgate ocean of Ayurveda for social well-being through fundamental research.

2) To motivate the disciples of Ayurveda to learn, understand and practice Ayurveda globally.

3) To acquaint students with Sanskrit grammar for deep understanding of Ayurveda literature.